2 Great Telecast CDs for 1 Great Price. Both New and Sealed.
Eternity is Now :
01. Saturate
02. Face To Face
03. Release The Deep
04. Absolution
05. Fade Into You
06. Up Toward The Center
07. Today
08. Your Wounded Feet
09. Everything
10. Close To You
11. Building A Sorrowful Loveliness
Quiet Revolution : A Coach's Top Pick - This is a great record! Weird cover but great record.
01. All Around Me
02. Come Down
03. Impossible Possibility
04. Beautiful Mystery
05. Enclosed By You
06. Temporary Twilight
07. Anchor Of My Soul
08. The Message
09. Quiet Revolution
10. Shoreless Ocean
11. All That You Are
12. Infinite Worth
For Telecast's frontman Josh White, the last couple of years have been a crash course in embracing the simple joys of spending time alone with God. I quickly realized that I allowed so much noise into my life that I lost sight of Christ in the process, White says. There is a beautiful simplicity in a relationship with Jesus. It was just a matter of re-defining my priorities. Of course, White's the first to admit that he doesn't always have everything together, considering he's a pastor at Solid Rock church and a musician. And while the juggling act is never easy, White's resolve certainly is single-minded: I want to bring theology back to music and be as Jesus-focused as possible. Pure and simple. With Telecast's third album, Quiet Revolution, White, and his band accomplish that goal in spades with a beautifully crafted collection of 12 songs that serve as a call to holiness for believers. With a potent mix of theological truth and catchy songs that'll stick in your cranium for weeks, Telecast continues to make dynamic pop music with a theologian's heart, which makes Quiet Revolution a welcome respite in an overly saturated culture.