I know the Bible says that the prayers of a righteous man avails much. But what about the prayers of one who doesn’t feel very “righteous” and wonders if God is listening at all? Have you ever had what felt like a spiritual dry period? A friend shared with me that he is “struggling” with sensing that God is with him. As normal, when our weekly time ends, we close in prayer. Out of habit (maybe), I asked him to pray for us as we departed. Though he had not “felt” God was listening – was He? Do we have to properly acknowledge God for Him to respond?
The prayers in the Psalms remind us that even when we moan and groan as we, honestly, cry out – God always listens. He is always there. Even when you don’t “feel” like it. Aren’t you glad that our relationship with God is not based on our feelings. It is based on His truth. As you go through today, remind yourself that God is with you and He is listening. In fact, He doesn’t miss a word…in His grip.
Psalm 54:2, 55:17
Coach's tip – Maybe we’re all just sick to death of taking three steps forward and two steps back. I’m no math wizard, but isn’t that still one step forward?
Happy Birthday to Caroline Colon, Dick Cummings, Chad Newton, Ruby Mapp, Zohara Stanley, Richard Terrell, Anita Bell, Maria Ironstone and Winsome Charlton …I prayed for you today.
I'd be honored to pray for you on your birthday - please send me your birthday (if you haven't already).
I'd be honored to pray for you on your anniversary - please send me your anniversary date and the year you were married (if you haven't already).
Tip by Beith Moore
Bible Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+54%3A2%2C+55%3A17&version=NLT
Wits End – What’s Going Into Your Head?