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The most dangerous thing any person can do is to dismiss Jesus. There is nothing more dangerous for a human being on the face of the planet.

The most dangerous thing any Christ-follower can do is to get over Jesus. And there is a scary amount of people who have met Jesus and gotten over Him way too soon. For many of us, it’s time to stop living the Christian life without Jesus. Because when you truly meet the Jesus in the Bible – you’ll never get over Him!

in His grip.

Matthew 16:24

Coach's tip – Parents, IF THEY CAN’T ask you their questions, they’re going to ask someone else.

Happy Birthday to Barbara Bates, Schnelle Tonge, Jon Elardo and Andre Harriott …I prayed for you today.

I'd be honored to pray for you on your birthday - please send me your birthday (if you haven't already).

I'd be honored to pray for you on your anniversary - please send me your anniversary date and the year you were married (if you haven't already).

Futility by Troy Dobbs

Bible Link:

Wits End – What’s Going Into Your Head?