We all have a front-stage life and back-stage life. Front stage is the public side. It's where we're noticed, where the spotlight is on us, where people applaud and affirm us. On the front-stage everything is orderly and neatly in its place. Facebook-like.
Front-page is all about doing. But we also have a back-stage, and the two are connected. If we neglect the back-stage, eventually the front-stage will fall apart.
The back-stage is the private world. It's dark and usually messy. The audience isn't allowed there. Back-stage has no spotlight and no glory. Back-stage is all about being. As Christ-followers (and spiritual leaders of our homes) we know how to have the front-stage conversations. But where is the conversation about our back-stage? Who is talking to you about you? ...to be continued.
Matthew 12:34
Coach's tip - It's been said that men can live forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but not one second without hope.
Hole in My Soul by Lance Witt
Tip by Greg Laurie