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Misusing Scripture

Today’s popular model for preaching (and teaching) is to have a point to make and then go to the Bible to help support your message. It is a temptation I face even doing these EDevos. The much better approach is to let the Bible teach itself (the exegesis approach). During an episode of a popular TBN show which included the host, his wife, and a guest, this issue became clear: The guest of the show said, My ministry is based entirely on my life verse. Matthew 19:26, “With God all things are possible.” God gave me that verse because I was born in 1926.

Obviously, intrigued by that method of obtaining a life verse, the host of the program grabbed the Bible and began to thumb through excitedly and said, I was born in 1934. My life verse must be Matthew 19:34, what does it say? Then he discovered that Matthew 19 only had 30 verses. Undeterred, he flipped to Luke. And Luke 19:34 says, And they said the Lord has need of him. Thrilled he exclaimed, Oh, that’s the verse! The Lord has need of me!  To which the host’s wife responded, You can’t use this. The verse is talking about a jackass.

That’s quite a life verse J  Be sure to approach the Bible>book by book>chapter by chapter>verse by verse>precept upon precept. And ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten the rich truths of Scripture. So not to be found as a…well, you know.

in His grip.

2 Peter 3:16

Coach's tip – Humility is a crucial component to true security.

Happy Birthday to Felicia Hughes, Stacy Emile, Albert Serra, Matt del Rio, Matthew Schwarz, Karen Salmon, Patricio Ortiz, Ryan Compton, Teddy Cottle, Karis Gamboa and Verdina Sanders ...I prayed for you today.

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Misusing Scripture by John MacArthur

Tip by Beth Moore

Bible Link:

Wits End – What’s Going Into Your Head?