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Only One Said Thank You


What drives you to prayer? To thanking God? Most of us don’t pray like we would should or as often as we’d like. It’s easy to pray when you’re struggling with something. When you’re broke. When you’re hurting. When you’re lonely. But when we pray just during those times, we’re likely not any different than the lepers Jesus talked about in Luke 17. Ten men were on the side of the street and saw Jesus and called out in a loud voice, Jesus, Master, have pity on us!  Isn’t that what you and I do when we pray because we feel like we’re a mess?

Jesus answered their request (prayer) and healed them. But only one came back and threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. Praying like crazy when you’re in a trial is not a sign of spiritual maturity. Praying and praising God when things are good, realizing that it is by God’s grace that you are blessed, giving God the glory for everything in your life – that is spiritual maturity.

Be not surprised when God uses even the times of genuine appreciation to help you grow even closer to Him. It’s grateful Christians that grow in understanding of God’s grace…in His grip.

Luke 17:11-19

Coach's tip – Only ask your child what he wants for dinner if he’s buying.

Happy Birthday to Jakoreya Fitzpatrick, Judy Belmontes, Madison Brunson, Taheena Harris, Harold Nowell, Denisha Nichole and Raishell Smalls …I prayed for you today.

I'd be honored to pray for you on your birthday - please send me your birthday (if you haven't already).

Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary to Janel & Edgar Mitchell …I prayed for your marriage today.

I'd be honored to pray for you on your anniversary - please send me your anniversary date and the year you were married (if you haven't already).

Bible Link:

Wits End – What’s Going Into Your Head?