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Slapped You on the Back


If you have ever had a spiritual awakening, it’s because God slapped you on the back. If you have anything good and anything to look forward to, it is because of God. Heaven is received by grace. Thank God. If it were by merit, I would stay and my dog would go.

in His grip.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Coach's tip – If you do not carefully watch your money and diet before you go on vacation, you most certainly will have to after.

Happy Birthday to Claudia Novakoski, Sarah Blonde, Chris Kelly, Joanna Diaz, Irina Konshin, Joanne Sarkisian and Marsha Grandison …I prayed for you today.

I'd be honored to pray for you on your birthday - please send me your birthday (if you haven't already).

Happy Wedding Anniversary to Bryan & Brittanny White …I prayed for your marriage today.

I'd be honored to pray for you on your anniversary - please send me your anniversary date and the year you were married (if you haven't already). 

Bible Link:

Wits End – What’s Going Into Your Head?