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You Got an A

Imagine if you were to take a post-graduate class and on the first day the professor said to you, You got an A. You would say, Excuse me, sir, but I haven't done anything. He says, I know you haven't. But I wanted you to know that you got an A in the class. 

You remind him that you haven't done any homework; you haven't written any papers; you haven't had excellent attendance; you haven't read anything; you haven't participated in class discussion. He says to you, I understand. And I'm going to help you as you do your homework and write your papers. I'm going to give you things to read and I'm going to want you to participate in class. I'm going to help you with all of that. But you got an A.

Wouldn't that be great? That is what it means to be justified by God. Those who are in Christ get an A. You haven't lived the rest of your life yet. But you know you're going to get an A. The problem is we look at our lives and we say, I'm not very good. My grade stinks and I need to get it up. God's not going to accept this F. I, at least, need to get it to a C or B.

Yes, you and I need to do better. We need to do our homework and turn it in. Active participation is expected. And we need to score well when tested. Seeing improvement in your performance is called sanctification. But the fact is, if Jesus is your Lord and Savior - you have been justified and you get an A in the course of life. God is a very cool professor! His grip.

Romans 4:25, 5:18, 8:1 and 1 Corinthians 5:21

Coach't tip - Watch your tongue; it's wet and slips easily.

You Got an A from unknown pastor on WRMB

Wits End - What's Going Into Your Head?