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Promise Keepers Unleashed + Gateway Worship Living For You 2CD/DVD
Promise Keepers Unleashed + Gateway Worship Living For You 2CD/DVD
Promise Keepers Unleashed + Gateway Worship Living For You 2CD/DVD

Promise Keepers Unleashed + Gateway Worship Living For You 2CD/DVD

Regular price $28.98 $9.99 Sale

2 Great CDs and a Bonus DVD for 1 Great Price.

Promise Keepers :1. Hosanna

2. I Will Boast

3. Majesty (Here I Am)

4. Before the Throne of God

5. Only a God Like You

6. Offering

7. Your Grace is Enough

8. I'm Not Ashamed

9. Jesus Paid it All

10. Break Through

11. We Speak to the Nations

Based on Ephesians 1:18-19 "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe," Unleashed is a new worship CD made especially for men. Featuring bold cross-generational worship corresponding with the 2006 Promise Keepers Conferences, this album offers 11 new and classic worship songs sung by PK7 (Featuring lead vocalists Jared Anderson, Drew Cline, Curt Coffield, Steve Garrett, Darwin Hobbs, Jason King, Abel Orta and Jerard Woods) a worship band created specifically for the CD and the Promise Keepers events. It is not about learning how to be a nicer guy. It’s about becoming the powerful man God designed you to be.

Gateway Worship Living For You with Bonus DVD. Track Listing: Come Thou Fount Come Thou King 2. You You Are God 3. Living for You 4. Only One for Me 5. No Sweeter Name 6. Every Breath 7. Revelation Song 8. Bound 9. Reason I'm Alive 10. Overtaken 11. Pure 12. The More I Seek You 13.0 Who You Are. This enhanced CD includes 3 additional downloadable songs, desktop images, lyrics & PDF Chord Charts! - BONUS DVD features 5 Live Worship Songs.

    Gateway Church is one of the fastest growing congregations in America today. Located in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Gateway is a dynamic church characterized by its passion for God and people, life-changing messages, and authentic worship. Living For You captures the songs and heartbeat of this local congregation. Join Worship Pastor Thomas Miller, the Gateway Worship team, a 150-voice choir, and the people of Gateway Church and experience this fresh new worship from one of America's Fasting Growing Churches!