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Megan DiMaria Searching For Spice + Out of Her Hands
Megan DiMaria Searching For Spice + Out of Her Hands
Megan DiMaria Searching For Spice + Out of Her Hands

Megan DiMaria Searching For Spice + Out of Her Hands

Regular price $12.99 $9.99 Sale

2 Great Novels for 1 Great Price. Both are paperback. New but do have some minor shelf ware.

Searching For Spice : In this debut novel, readers will meet Linda Revere, a woman who longs to experience true romance with her nerdy, practical husband of twenty-four years. Her desire to add a little pizzazz to her marriage only confuses her husband and frustrates herself. Linda struggles to ignite romance and excitement into her marriage amid the turmoil of contemporary life.

Out of Her Hands : In this second novel by Megan DiMaria, Linda Revere is back and continuing to struggle with the turmoil of contemporary life. Linda has been praying for her children's future spouses since they were very small. Confident that her prayers will be answered, Linda is not prepared for the young woman her son brings home. But Linda soon learns that while everything she once controlled is out of her hands, God is still in control. Megan uses her trademark humor while dealing with issues to which her readers will relate.